Technical papers

The Role of ICTs for Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change

[2011] This publication is a state-of-the-art overview on the application of communication and ICTs for community-based livelihood adaptation to climate change. It is crucial to identify information and communication systems, particularly for poor smallholder farmers, in order to have access to scientific and technological advances that can support their agricultural decision-making. As a result, research must be reported and communicated in such a way that policy makers can support the

From Need to Sustainability: Empowering People to Use ICT for their Development

[2013] IICD has more than 15 years of experience using a distinctive participatory and multi-stakeholder approach to ICT for Development (ICT4D). Whereas many ICT4D projects focus on the transfer of new or innovative technologies, IICD focuses on the people facilitating a process in which stakeholders co-create and implement their own ICT solutions. Core principles of this approach include: learning by doing, gender sensitivity, knowledge sharing. This document provides a summary

Media & Glocal Change. Rethinking Communication for Development

[2005] This book is about exploring both the potential and the limits of communication, of using communication both as a tool and as a way of articulating processes of development and social change, improving everyday lives, and empowering people to influence their own lives and those of their fellow community members. According to the editors of this book, the discipline of communication for development is currently at a crossroads, and

Radio Pledge

[2008]  This book is based on the conclusion that ethics are nothing but a series of moral qualities. In the first chapters the author tries to define ethics and professional values as they relate to mass media and community broadcasting. The book also looks at the legal context for information provision and in particular outlines the efforts surrounding the enforcement of ethnics in Nepalese journalism as compared with the codes

Community Radio: Organization Development Guidebook

[2009] This book was developed by the Community Radio Support Center (CRSC) to improve performance, efficiency and effectiveness of emerging community radio stations in Nepal. It is designed to guide a radio station in areas such as vision and mission development, human resource management policy, documentation, knowledge management and editorial policy. It is structured to help answer questions such as What does it take to establish a functional organisation?How should a

Community Radio A Strategic Planning Manual

[2008] This manual was prepared for officials and managers of community radio (CR) stations in Nepal but can be adapted in response to locally-specific needs to guide the formulation of strategic plans for any type of local radio stations. The first chapters introduce the definition, policy, legal provisions and limitations of a CR strategic plan. Analytical steps such as stakeholder analysis and analysis of opportunities and challenges of CRs are included in

Community Radio Collective Marketing Strategy

[2008] This book is a guide to improving community radio’s financial standing. Along with traditional marketing techniques, more creative and constructive concepts are needed. Community radio stations cover geographically small areas and don’t have to compete for listeners, instead they usually share mission and objectives. Collective marketing is a good strategy to minimize operational costs and enhance outreach. The guide was produced by the Community Radio Support Center of the

Grassroots Comics - A Development Communication Tool

[2007] Grassroots comics are made by community or NGO activists to be used in local campaigning for development. This book draws on the experience of World Comics Finland and World Comics India and the initiatives realized with the co-operation of many different organizations, movements and activists. It shows samples of grassroots comics, practical manuals and photographs from Asia, Africa and other countries to give the readers an idea of what

Mobile Technology in Emergencies

[2012] Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, has described the mobile phone as the “single most transformative tool for development”. This publication by Save the Children and the Vodafone Foundation explores how to overcome obstacles to the effective use of mobile phone technology in emergency response, in relation to distribution of cash to support food security and livelihoods, information sharing, two-way communication with affected communities, and

Deepening Participation and Improving Aid Effectiveness through Media and ICTs

[2007] After more than ten years of support for a people-­centered approach to embedding modern ICTs within Poverty Alleviation Pro­grams, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) has reviewed project reports, study program evaluations and meta-evaluations, in order to distil lessons learned on how ICTs can really help to improve development cooperation programmes and more particularly to enhance voice and accountability programs.