Keeping the momentum: joint efforts for rural communication services


ForumPanoramicaWritten by the CCComDev team

On 23-24 October 2014, over 100 representatives of farmer organizations, governments, community media, development and research organizations gathered in Rome for the Forum on Communication for Development & Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM). 

They were invited by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) to showcase and discuss the potential of Communication for Development (ComDev) as a driver for rural innovation and improved family farming.

FCCM participants came up with a set of recommendations related to enabling policy and institutional frameworks, investments and partnership opportunities, and capacity development to advance rural communication services that respond in a sustained and inclusive manner to the communication needs of smallholder and family farmers. 

Please visit the FCCM page to find useful documents and a gallery of photos, videos, radio interviews and multimedia materials on communication for development and family farming.

FCCM follow-up and CCComDev

To bring forward the Forum agenda, it was agreed to establish a permanent FCCM Working Group that will steer coordinated action in 5 priority areas of workAdvocacy; Knowledge Sharing and Networking; Research; Capacity Development; Support to Programmes and Countries.

The cross-sectoral discussion and collaboration initiated by the FCCM continues through a dedicated section of the CCComDev site and in several discussion groups of our online community. The FCCM blog will be featuring relevant contributions and reflections on rural communication services, community media, ICTs for agriculture and family farming.


We are glad to launch this first issue of the CCComDev newsletter which will help share experiences, ideas, resources and opportunities in communication for family farming and rural development, while keeping our community members updated on the initiatives promoted by the FCCM working group.

Enjoy reading the newsletter and please share it with your networks!


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