The 5th International Conference on Mobile Communication Technology for Development (M4D2016) will be held in Maputo, Mozambique on October 21-22, 2016.
This conference is open to researchers, practitioners and all those with interests in the use, evaluation, and theorizing of Mobile Technologies for Development.
The M4D2016 conference combines two days of plenary parallel paper sessions, panel sessions, short presentations, posters and workshops. In addition, it will include pre-conference workshops for practitioners, PhD and Masters students and entrepreneurs as well as start-ups interested in showcasing their work.
The event is organized by the University Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) in Maputo, Mozambique in co-operation with HumanIT, Karlstad University.
The conference provides a forum for M4D enthusiasts to network, innovate, and share experiences of working with Mobile Technologies in Development contexts. The conference themes include:
- mLearning
- mLivelihood
- mAgriculture
- mHealth
- mInclusion
- mGovernance
- mInnovation
- Mobile app development
M4D2016 welcomes participants from the academia, industry, NGOs, development agencies, and governmental and international organizations.
For more information, visit: