Call for Papers: 7th ADCEP National Conference

Call for Papers: 7th ADCEP National Conference

The Association of Development Communication Educators and Practitioners (ADCEP) will hold its 7th National Conference with the theme “Trajectories of Development Communication” on 30 November to 2 December 2017 at the West Visayas State University, Iloilo City, Philippines.

In line with this, ADCEP invites everyone from the academe, research, extension, government, and non-government organizations, the business sector and civil societies to submit research papers on the following sub-themes:

  1. Food Security
  2. Disaster Risk Management 
  3. Health Communication
  4. Children and Women Welfare
  5. Gender and Empowerment
  6. Cultural Understanding
  7. Indigenous Knowledge, Systems, and Practices
  8. Peace and Conflict Management
  9. Politics and Governance 
  10. Science and Technology
  11. Urban Planning
  12. Lifelong Learning
  13. Organizations, Local Entrepreneurship, and Social Enterprise
  14. Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Communities
  15. Pop Culture and Social Change
  16. Family, Youth, and Social Welfare
  17. Digital Communities

Interested participants must submit a 300-350 abstract of the paper in Word file on or before 30 September 2017 to Dr. Rotacio Gravoso via his email address,

To know more about the conference, click here.

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