The Philippine Journal of Development Communication is accepting article contributions for the 2013 issues. Articles should have a high degree of scholarship and results of original work, and must not have been published on other journals nor simultaneously submitted to other publications.
Articles must focus on:
1. Research in development communication (including literature synthesis and meta-analyses)
2. Reflections on development communication practice (project reports with synthesis of lessons learned and how these inform the discipline and practice of devcom)
3. Research notes
The required format is .doc or .docx, articles should be 20-30 pages long (5,000 words) written using Font Arial or Times New Roman, 11, double spaced. Format should follow the APA style. Tables, charts and other images should not be included in the body of the report but must be placed after the literature cited. Images must have high resolution (200 dpi or higher)
Abstracts should be 150-200 words only and provide keywords.
Deadlines for submission:
- March 31 (for Jan-Mar Issue, June 2013 release)
- June 30 (for Apr-Jun Issue, September 2013 release)
- Sept 30 (for July-Sept Issue, December 2013 release)
- Dec 30 (for Oct-Dec Issue, March 2014 release)
Articles will pass through a double-blind peer review.
Kindly send your articles to the Editor-in-Chief at
The Philippine Journal of Development Communication is a refereed biannual journal published by the University of the Philippines Los Baños’ College of Development Communication (UPLB-CDC).