Call for women-led activities addressing Climate Change

The United Nations Climate Change secretariat is calling for women-led activities that address climate change to be selected and showcased under an initiative called Momentum for Change: Women for Results.

These “lighthouse activities” will demonstrate measurable impact on the ground, and the potential for replicability and scaleability at the local, national and international levels. Momentum for Change: Women for Results is implemented with the generous support of the Rockefeller Foundation. The deadline for submitting activities is April 26, 2013.

Criteria for selection of the activities (further information in the terms of application): 

  1. addressing climate change mitigation or adaptation, while advancing the active leadership and participation of women
  2. implemented, or in the course of implementation
  3. scalable and/or replicable
  4. demonstrating innovation and potential for long-term transformation change
  5. result of an innovative partnership, which aims to achieve scalable, long-term results
  6. delivering verifiable social and environmental benefits to an identified community, which has been appropriately engaged in the activity development processes
  7. not registered as a CDM or JI activity for the next 2 years


For more information about the application process, check the Frequently Asked Questions or contact the Momentum for Change team at

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