Infoasaid launched its e-learning course on communication with crisis-affected communities. The course “Communication is Aid” aims to raise awareness and build basic skills on how to communicate effectively with crisis-affected communities and to build understanding on what needs to be done beforehand as emergency preparedness.
The first two modules introduce learners to the course, how to navigate it and the key concepts it covers. The remaining three modules are interactive, scenario-based challenges and involve learners having to make key decisions to do with communication during an earthquake, a post conflict situation and a hurricane/flood.
The course is targeted at the staff of aid agencies working in crisis-prone countries. Project managers and sector specialists across all programme areas and monitoring, evaluation and accountability officers are enjoined to take the course.
The course can be accessed at and will also be available on a CD-ROM for low bandwidth environments. For more information, please contact
Infoasaid is a DFID-funded project implemented by a consortium of two media development organisations – Internews and BBC Media Action.