Submission for abstracts for oral and poster presentations for the First International Conference on Global Food Security is until May 10, 2013.
The conference which aims to deliver state-of-the-art analysis, inspiring visions and innovative research methods arising from interdisciplinary research will be held on September 29-October 2, 2013 at Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands. The conference will address food production and access, and the trade-offs between competing environmental, economic or social objectives and outcomes.
Topics list for parallel sessions are as follows:
- Global and local analyses of food security
- Enabling policies for local and global food security
- Sustainable intensification of food production systems
- Novel ways of feeding 9 billion
- Learning from the past to understand the future
- Land sparing, land sharing and trade-offs
- Agricultural production as feedstock for renewables
- Lost harvest and wasted food
- Nutritional security
- Labelling, certifying and striving for quality and sustainability of food production
Abstracts should be submitted using the online submission system.
For more information, visit: