
E-learning course on Communication for Rural Development

The e-learning Course on Communication for Rural Development aims to guide users in designing and implementing communication strategies for agricultural and rural development initiatives, combining participatory methods with communication processes, media and tools, ranging from community media to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), best suited for a specific context. The e-learning course is based on the Communication for Rural Development Sourcebook published in 2014 by FAO and the College of Development Communication, University of the Philippines Los

FAO launches e-learning course on Communication for Rural Development

FAO is pleased to announce the launch of its e-learning course on Communication for Rural Development! By promoting training in ComDev, FAO hopes to continue building capacity in the use of participatory approaches to address the knowledge and information needs of rural stakeholders and to facilitate their active involvement in development initiatives.   Communication for Development (ComDev) has proven to be a key element in improving the effectiveness and sustainability of development

Uni of Reading hosts dialogue on Communication for Development

On July 25, 2016, the School of Agriculture, Policy and Development of the University of Reading and the Participatory Communication Research Section of IAMCR, in association with Grupo Pértiga and the Walker Institute, will host a one-day event about communication for development with renowned international experts. The one-day event will include three workshops: 1. “Communication for Development Sourcebook“, a new communication for development teaching tool created by the FAO, presented by Mario Acunzo (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

ComDev training for rural radio station managers and broadcasters in Bangladesh

A capacity development program on rural ComDev is being undertaken by the College of Development Communication (CDC-UPLB) in the southern part of Bangladesh. The first training was held last June 29-July1, 2015 among rural radio station managers and broadcasters of Krishi Radio, Radio Nalta, Radio Sundarban and Loko Betar (see the Bangladesh Community Radio Portal).  Using the Communication for Rural Development Sourcebook as a main reference, the program entails six monthly missions that include three-day


As part of the Communication for Sustainable Development Initiative (CSDI), FAO and the National Institute for Innovation in Agriculture, Livestock and Forestry (INIAF) of Bolivia carried out participatory communication appraisals and consultative processes with farmer organizations, small-scale producers, local governments, NGOs and community media in order to identify local needs in terms of agricultural information. As a result, they developed four Knowledge and Communication Modules (Modulos de Conocimiento y Comunicación)


A five-day Seminar on Strategic Communication Development Planning for Sarawak Development Project Planners and Implementers was conducted on June 22-26, 2015 in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. The workshop addressed the need for the state government’s development planners to have basic knowledge and skills in communication for development (ComDev) to engage stakeholders, build trust and meet increasing expectations.


Written by the FCCM team Research and Capacity Development are two of the five areas of work prioritized by the Working Group of the Forum on ComDev and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM – Rome 2014). FAO and a group of academics associated with the FCCM have formed a Global Research Initiative on Rural Communication (GRI-RC) to address the Forum recommendation relating to the need to build a solid