The Adventist University of the Philippines is a private coeducational Christian institute of higher learning operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Course title: BS Development Communication
Description: A four-year undergraduate degree program that teaches students to apply the theories, principles, and techniques of communication. The degree program specifically aims at enabling students to acquire a theoretical base in the sciences and applied arts that underlie the study of communication; learn practical skills in mass communication; and apply the concepts, principles, and skills of mass communication in communicating developmental issues.
Francisco D. Gayoba, President
Lea E. Licong; Juvy Lou T. Bhattrai, Development Communication
Street: Puting Kahoy, 4118 Silang; Cavite; Philippines
Mailing: P.O. Box 1772 and P.O. Box 1834; 1099 Manila; Philippines
Phone: +63 49 541-1211 to 1225
DevCom local number: 251
Fax:(049) 541-1228; 1229