
Perception and Use of ICTs in the Agricultural Extension of Trinidad

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), which are being used to collect and transmit data through technological devices like mobile phones, are deemed effective solutions to the said challenges proven to serve farmers in the Caribbean effectively (Ganpat et al., 2010; McNamara, 2017).

Utilization of Mobile Phones for Fruit Marketing in Vietnam

Even with the agreement that ICTs are beneficial, there is a lack of study on their adoption by Vietnamese farmers in agricultural marketing (VietNamNews, 2017). The study of Hoang (2020) aims to fill this gap, explicitly finding out the determinants of Vietnamese farmers adopting ICTs for fruit marketing.

Gender Gap in Climate Information Services of Ghana

Partey et al. (2020) conducted a study in Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security (CCAFS) climate-smart village research for development site (CSV 4RD) in the Lawra-Jirapa Districts of the Upper West Region of Ghana.

Your Step-by-step Guide For Starting Up A Farm Business

For some people it might sound a little old-fashioned, but if you look better into farming then you will come up with a serious interest in it. There are actually many young people who have always dreamt about farming, living in the middle of a huge countryside and managing each phase of a farming business. Farming – Against-the-flow Business Project Although most modern cities seem to suggest young people look

FCCM Presentation

The presentations prepared by FCCM participants illustrate their experiences with using communication and community media to serve family farmers’ needs, as well as reflections on the main challenges, policy needs, and options. 

FCCM Gallery

Have a look at the photos of the FCCM event and browse the videos, audios, and presentations shared by FCCM participants. If you’d like to send your contribution please contact us at

SBCC Summit Now Accepting Abstracts

Abstracts for oral presentations, poster presentations, pre-formed panel presentations, TED Talk-style “Comm Talks” and concept notes for skills-building workshops are now being accepted for the Shifting Norms, Changing Behavior, Amplifying Voices: What Works? 2018 International Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Summit featuring Entertainment-Education. The Summit will be held April 16 to 20, 2018, in Nusa Dua, Indonesia. With a deep dive into the power of Entertainment–Education (EE), the Summit provides


FEATURED Rural communication policies can translate farmers’ right to communication into fair and transparent regulatory frameworks that will allow equitable access to information and communication services in rural areas. This report presents the results of the Forum on Communication and Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM) convened in 2014. Participants addressed opportunities for promoting rural communication services as sustained, inclusive, and efficient communication processes involving family farmers and the rural population, and considered