Marzia Pafumi

Enabling community participation in land governance in Guatemala

Participatory communication is a powerful means to enable the informed and active engagement of individuals and groups in decisions that affect their life. This is the case also with land tenure, and is the focus of a FAO Communication for Development initiative to support the recognition and responsible governance of communal land in Guatemala.  Over 1.5 million hectares, 15% of the national territory, is owned collectively, often under traditional or customary tenure systems. Communal lands are in fact

Red de radios rurales de Argentina - Sembramos Palabras, Cosechamos Derechos

De la Puna a la Patagonia y del mar a los Andes, “Sembramos Palabras, Cosechamos Derechos” es una iniciativa de comunicación comunitaria que articula 19 radios rurales gestionadas por las organizaciones campesinas en entornos rurales y periurbanos de 12 provincias de la República Argentina. Una experiencia territorial que marca una puerta de acceso a derechos básicos como el hábitat, la tierra, el agua y la comercialización. Florencia Lance y Martín Segura están al frente

Uni of Reading hosts dialogue on Communication for Development

On July 25, 2016, the School of Agriculture, Policy and Development of the University of Reading and the Participatory Communication Research Section of IAMCR, in association with Grupo Pértiga and the Walker Institute, will host a one-day event about communication for development with renowned international experts. The one-day event will include three workshops: 1. “Communication for Development Sourcebook“, a new communication for development teaching tool created by the FAO, presented by Mario Acunzo (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

Listening to the stories of African forest producers

Federations of tree growers and forest producers are on the rise in Africa. They help smallholders in dealing with tenure arrangements, accessing markets and financial services, getting quality extension and capacity development support. To be effective, they need to be able to access and share relevant information, but also to articulate members’ views and dialogue with governments to influence policy formulation. Last June in Kenya, the African Farm/Family Forestry Producer Organizations Conference gathered farm and forest producers of

AMARC/FAO survey: take the chance to highlight your work!

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) are launching a survey to map the work of its affiliates, community media networks and communication practitioners engaged in communication for rural development.  Since 2008, FAO and AMARC have agreed to join efforts to promote communication for rural development (ComDev) and community media as an integral part of agricultural and rural development. Several field projects, regional initiatives, and community media

Discussing communication and family farming at WRF conference

Gains in political commitment around Family Farming were one of the most notable results of the International Year of Family Farming IYFF-2014. Not just because of reaping results in the form of numerous laws, programs and other specific public policy improvements, but also because of the spirit of collaboration and understanding generated among different entities, institutions and organizations. To continue promoting this global context of dialogue and collaboration, Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain) will


As part of the Communication for Sustainable Development Initiative (CSDI), FAO and the National Institute for Innovation in Agriculture, Livestock and Forestry (INIAF) of Bolivia carried out participatory communication appraisals and consultative processes with farmer organizations, small-scale producers, local governments, NGOs and community media in order to identify local needs in terms of agricultural information. As a result, they developed four Knowledge and Communication Modules (Modulos de Conocimiento y Comunicación)


Written by Sarah Cardey, School of Agriculture, Policy and Development – University of Reading As a result of the FCCM, a Global Research Initiative on Rural Communication (GRI-RC) has been created with members from various universities including the University of Reading. We are developing a study to have a strong first look at evidence and research in rural communication services, which we believe will provide the basis for more in-depth inquiry.  As

Taller paraguay

From 13 to 17 April 2015, a regional training workshop took place in Asunción, Paraguay on “Elements for participatory ComDev planning in Family Farming“. The workshop was organized in the framework of FAO Regional Initiative on Family Farming and Rural Territorial Development in Latin America, as part of the project TCP/PAR/3403 “Strengthening the National Extension and Communication for Development System” implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) of