ComDev News

Participatory Video Trainers’ Training held

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO-UN) Rome, the College of Development Communication of the University of the Philippines Los Baños (CDC-UPLB), Digital Green, and CCComdev concluded their five-day Participatory Video (PV) in Agrifood Systems and Digital Environments Training of Trainers on October 26, 2023. The training sessions were held on October 19, 23, 24, 25, and 26 via Zoom. A total of 45 participants from 16

Scholars, practitioners reflect on RCS in IAMCR Lyon 2023 Special Panel

Scholars and practitioners shared their reflections on Rural Communication Services (RCS) in the special panel for the winners of the IAMCR-FAO RCS Research Awards held during the IAMCR 2023 Conference in Lyon, France on July 12, 2023 They talked about promoting the global initiative supported by FAO, the importance of applied research in the field of RCS, and the Collaborative Change Communication (CCComdev) initiative. Dr. Mario Acunzo, Communication for Development

IAMCR-FAO RCS awardees recognized at IAMCR Lyon 2023 Confab

The three recipients of the IAMCR-FAO Rural Communication Services (RCS) Research Awards presented their papers at a special panel during the IAMCR 2023 Conference in Lyon, France on July 12, 2023 where they were also formally recognized. The session was also live streamed via Zoom and the Cccomdev Facebook page. The award’s goal is to recognize and support research that advances our understanding of RCS, particularly its use in Africa,

CCComDev to webcast IAMCR RCS Award session

CCComDev invites you to the first installment of its webinar series for this year, featuring: Webcasting of the IAMCR-FAO RCS Research Awardees Special Session, IAMCR Lyon 2023New updates from the CCComDev Initiative Schedule: 12 July 202315:45 – 17:30 CESTRegister: Like us on Facebook to watch the livestream ( info: See you there!

IAMCR-FAO RCS research awardees to present papers in special panel at 2023 IAMCR Conference

The three winners of the IAMCR-FAO Rural Communication Services Research Award will present their papers at a special panel at the upcoming IAMCR’s 2023 conference to be held in Lyon, France, from 9 to 13 July (Lyon23), with an Online Conference Papers (OCP23) component from 26 June to 5 July. The Special Session devoted to the awardees’ presentation will be livestreamed on 12 July 2023 3:45-5:30 PM CEST (9:45-11:30 PM

IAMCR announces 3 RCS  awardees

Three scholars have been selected as recipients of the IAMCR-FAO Rural Communication Services Award. These scholars are as follows: The awardees will present their papers at a special panel at the upcoming IAMCR’s 2023 conference to be held in Lyon, France, from 9 to 13 July (Lyon23), with an Online Conference Papers (OCP23) component from 26 June to 5 July. In cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the

FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu calls for collaborative action against hunger and inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean

During the 7th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Community of Latin America and Caribbean States (CELAC), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Director-General QU Dongyu said that Latin America and the Caribbean could be at the forefront of global food and agriculture when they step up to address increasing hunger and inequality rates in the region.  FAO signed several letters of intent to pursue

Food and Agriculture Organization and Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development sign Memorandum of Understanding

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) once again signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) last 20 January 2023.  To date, this is the third MoU forged between FAO and AFA which formalizes their continuous collaboration in advancing family farming by promoting the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF) and contributing to the achievement of its goals and objectives.  Mr. Jong-Jin Kim, Assistant Director-General