
Spider Stories 2012

[2013] This publication gives an overview of results from ICT4D projects initiated in 2011-2012 by the Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions (Spider) in Cambodia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. In partnership with local organizations, Spider supported ICT4D projects in democracy, education and health, and crosscutting themes such as Free and Open Source Software, mobiles for development (M4D), cultural creativity and youth empowerment. The projects made creative uses of

Ann Kite Yo Pale. Communication with Disaster Affected Communities Haiti 2010

[2011] This report captures practical case studies and best practice in communication with affected communities during the humanitarian response in Haiti. The 7.0 magnitude earthquake was unfortunately not the only emergency to strike Haiti in 2010, as the outbreak of cholera brought a new, highly infectious and deadly disease to a country with weak sanitation and health systems. The response of communication actors was essential to the survival of potentially

Community Radio for Social Change India

[2014] This compendium of Community Radio in India is published by the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting and One World Foundation India. It provides a full directory and individual profiles of the over 160 operational stations across the country, housed in a variety of community-based organisations, NGOs, educational and agricultural institutions. Since 2006 the Community Radio Policy has made the community radio movement grow stronger in India, backed by a proactive engagement of the

ICT4D Effects: Youth, ICTs and Agriculture

[2013] This IICD publication is informed by the findings from recent research focused on three projects under the Connect4Change (C4C) Economic Development programme. The projects were located in western Kenya and focused on enhancing agricultural productivity and access to markets. The research investigated the linkages between the introduction and use of ICT in farming, and the interest of youth in farming and value chain development.