Three scholars have been selected as recipients of the IAMCR-FAO Rural Communication Services Award.
These scholars are as follows:
- Ma. Theresa M. Rivera- University Research Fellow and Professor, Communication, Far Eastern University, Philippines
- Nurdahalia Lairing- Researcher and Teacher, Research Center for Communication, Social Ecological Learning and Sustainable Environment (CoSeLSe) at the University of Muhammadiyah Enrekang (UNIMEN), Indonesia
- Nurul Hilmiati : Researcher, Research Center for Community Welfare, Village and Connectivity at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia
The awardees will present their papers at a special panel at the upcoming IAMCR’s 2023 conference to be held in Lyon, France, from 9 to 13 July (Lyon23), with an Online Conference Papers (OCP23) component from 26 June to 5 July.
In cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), IAMCR offered three awards of 2,500 USD to authors of papers that advance understanding of applications of “rural communication services” particularly in the areas of agriculture, family farming, natural resource management, climate change adaptation, food security, and disaster risk reduction and management. The IAMCR-FAO RCS Award was launched in December 2022 in cooperation with the Collaborative Change Communication initiative (
Special attention was given to papers that considered elements such as participatory design of communication services in rural areas; appropriation of media by family farmers; institutionalization of communication services for rural communities; and evidence-based approaches for inclusive rural communication services.