Cambodian AgriNatura Research Workshop

The Agricultural Development and Natural Resource Government Research Interest Groups are pleased to announce the Cambodian AgriNatura Research Workshop on: Integrated Agriculture and Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Development to be held at the Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia, 4 January 2013. The main objectives of this research workshop are to:
– Provide a venue for active researchers, empirical scientists, social scientists, academists, and policy experts in the field of agriculture, natural research management, and other related fields;
– Share their expertise, research data and their implications, address both open and specific questions, identify emerging trends and challenges in those fields, and systematically explore unified approaches to cluster the problems and solutions.

VENUE: Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia

THEME: “Integrated approach to sustainable development: Together, we are stronger!!!”

General Session: General related issues in a broader perspective.
Poster presentation and contest: All kinds of Agriculture and NRM related.
Education for Sustainable Development: Rural and Environmental Education, Capacity Building, Community Empowerment, Agricultural Education, etc.
Environmental and Natural Resources Management: Bio-diversity, Water Quality Conservation, Deforestation and sustainable forest management, Fresh water and marine resources conservations, soil degradation and land conservation, etc.
Agricultural System and Management: Crop production system, mechanization, irrigation and drainage, soil fertility and pest management, agro-forestry, livestock management, agro-industry and food science, aquaculture, etc.

LANGUAGE: English or Khmer (optional)

TYPE OF PRESENTATION: Oral or Poster Presentation (please refer to the guidelines for poster and oral presentations accordingly.

-Deadline of submission of contribution form: 20 December 2012
-Notification Acceptance: 24 December 2012
-Deadline of Power Point/PDF Submission:1 January 2013
-Research Workshop:4 January 2013

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