The Centre for Communication and Social Change (CfCSC) is looking for outstanding and innovative individuals and organizations that use communication and ICT in communities create meaningful change and facilitate social, economic and technological development, to nominate for the 2013 Communications and Social Change Awards.
The award is an initiative of the Centre for Communication and Social Change (CfCSC) at the School of Journalism and Communication, within The University of Queensland, Brisbane. It consists of a $AUD 2 500 prize and a travel package to participate in the Award Ceremony in Australia.
Since 2006 the Communication for Social Change Award recognizes significant contributions to the theory and practice of communication for social change, made by: 1) individual practitioners, field workers or scholars; and 2) organisations or institutions.
Theoretical and practical projects of nominees should reflect the key CfCSC themes:
- participatory development communication
- media and empowerment
- Information Communication Technologies (ICTs)
- social change and communication for trans-disciplinary R4D (research for development).
All nominations must be received no later than Friday November 29, 2014.
For more information (selection criteria, how to apply, jury, past editions) check out the dedicated webpage or contact Ms Samantha Ryan at