IPS climate change photo contest


Inter Press Service (IPS) has launched a photo competition to show the local face of global climate change.

Participants are invited to send a photo showing how climate change affects their daily life. Each entry should consist of a single image, the photo caption (including a short explanation of the climate impact pictured and where it was taken) and the personal details of the individual (name, country of residence, e-mail address).

The IPS Climate Change Photo Contest begins October 25, 2013 and ends November 30, 2013.

All entries must be sent to photocontest@ips.org by November 30, 2013.

All the photos submitted to this contest will be shared on IPS social media platforms. The winning image under category ‘the best photo’ will be featured on IPS website to illustrate an IPS article on climate change, as well as receiving a cash prize.

Click here for a full description of competition terms and prizes. 

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