The Pacific Media Assistance Scheme (PACMAS) Innovation Fund has been established to provide funding support to Pacific stakeholders and development partners that play a role in media and communications in the region. It is designed to help build both technical and creative capacity of the Pacific media and communication sectors.
PACMAS is looking for home-grown innovative activities that promote and support Communication for Development through:
- creation of new media content that includes social and citizen media
- trailing of new forms of communication that will serve community groups
- investigation of the potential of new media technologies
- engagement in training opportunities
All stakeholders in the media and communication sectors that reside and work in the Pacific region at the community, national or regional level are eligible to apply. This includes all NGOs and civil society organisations that play a role in communication and awareness on development issues including better governance, MDGs, environment, gender, climate adaptation, etc.
Applicants are requested to go through the Innovation Fund Guidelines and fill out the Application Form no later than Friday 21 June, 2013.
For more information you can contact Moses Tongare via email or phone (+678) 24263.
Pacific Media Assistance Scheme (PACMAS) is a 10-year project (2008-2018) that supports better governance in the Pacific region by contributing to the development of a diverse, independent and professional Pacific media system.