Workshop on ComDev and family farming in Latin America

Taller paraguay

Taller paraguayFrom 13 to 17 April 2015, a regional training workshop took place in Asunción, Paraguay on “Elements for participatory ComDev planning in Family Farming“.

The workshop was organized in the framework of FAO Regional Initiative on Family Farming and Rural Territorial Development in Latin America, as part of the project TCP/PAR/3403 “Strengthening the National Extension and Communication for Development System” implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) of Paraguay, through the Department of Agricultural Extension (DEAg).

The workshop aimed to provide extension workers, representatives of producer organizations and rural institutions with methodological elements for planning ComDev initiatives in support of agricultural innovation and family farming. At the same time, the workshop allowed knowledge sharing among relevant agencies and programs in the region, and initiated a mechanism for collaboration in ComDev for family farming.

Participants to the 5-day workshop included: 23 extensionists of the Department of Agricultural Extension (DEAg) of Paraguay; 2 members of the Mercosur Specialized Meeting on Family Agriculture (REAF); 5 communicators of FAO National Representations in Peru, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Guatemala and the Regional Office for Latin America and Caribbean; 1 member of the Latin American Network for Rural Extension Services (RELASER); 5 representatives of civil society and governments from Bolivia, El Salvador and Uruguay.

Workshop participants proposed to create a Latin American working group on communication for rural development and to strengthen Onda Rural as a regional network to continue exchanging knowledge and experiences.

To read the full article in Spanish visit Onda Rural

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