UN FAO and the Brazilian government launched the first course self-learning on cotton production chain called, “Strategies for Strengthening the cotton Sector Development of Family Farming” through the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC/MRE) in the area of Brazil Cooperation Programme FAO which started last 30 June 2016 and will run until 30 June 2017.
This course forms part of the regional project, “Strengthening the Cotton Sector by Means of South-South Cooperation” and within the training activities undertaken by the Center for Training in Public Policy from the FAO Regional Office pertaining to the Project support for Latin America Without Hunger 2025 (IALSH) Spain-FAO Initiative Fund.
The said regional project is intended to contribute to the development of the cotton sector and family farming in the member countries of Mercosur (Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay), Partners (Colombia, Ecuador and Peru), and Haiti that support the combatting of rural poverty through complementing technical capabilities of public and private institutions, from the experience of Brazil.
Course contents include:
- Topics related to the cotton value chain such as key concepts related to the subject;
- Regional and global overview of the cotton sector and public policy;
- Research, technologies and best practices in cotton production;
- Technical Assistance and Rural Extension; and
- Other cross-cutting issues necessary for a better understanding of the cotton value chain.
This is a self-study, free access and free course that aims to provide stakeholders in the value chain cotton opportunity to expand knowledge and enhance strategic coordination to improve sustainability in productive, economic, social and environmental terms.
To know more about the course, visit this page.