The United States of America grants $80 million to support Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) projects targeting smallholder resilience, women empowerment and environmental sustainability, as Afghans struggle to produce food, build resilience and achieve food security in the face of continuing drought and deep economic crisis.
The five-year contribution from USAID will include interventions that aim to meet farmers’ immediate needs and also help build healthier, more climate-smart and resilient livelihoods through increasing nutritious food production, fostering environmentally sustainable and climate-smart agricultural practices and support the diversification of household incomes through the adoption of new agricultural practices. These activities are expected to boost local food production, generate jobs and income and help revive struggling local rural markets.
The $80 million funding will be implemented in eight provinces around the country – Nimroz, Ghor, Daykundi, Jawzjan, Badakhstan, Nuristan, Paktika and Prawan – all of which are considered to be facing acute food insecurity according to the latest IPC assessment.
Read the full article here.
Source: FAO
Photo: Rumi Consultancy / World Bank