Participatory Video in development
Participatory video (PV) is a communication approach in which community members and stakeholders actively participate in the planning, creation and sharing of video content. It can be used as a tool to promote more inclusive and sustainable development processes, mirroring local realities, and helping a wide array of stakeholders share knowledge and make informed decisions about specific challenges and opportunities. PV production and sharing can be used in Communication for Development efforts, grounded in participatory rural appraisal, and directly responding to needs identified by the community.
FAO, in partnership with Digital Green, the College of Development Communication of the University of the Philippines Los Baños, farmers’ organisations and other development programmes, is promoting an initiative to build capacity in Participatory Video production and sharing in agri-food systems and digital environments.
Applications of Participatory Video
The widespread use of mobile phones and other digital tools has made Participatory Video even more accessible. Notably, farmers’ organizations and rural institutions are increasingly gaining access to and utilizing low-cost media options for development purposes.
Thanks to low-cost digital technologies, PV can be appropriated by communities, farmers’ organizations and rural institutions, and extensively applied to advance sustainable food systems in area such as agricultural innovations, digital marketing, policy dialogue, accountability, informed consent, among others.
Participatory Video modular training series
In collaboration with Digital Green, the College of Development Communication of the University of the Philippines Los Baños, and other partners, FAO has systematized a methodology to boost capacity in Participatory Video production and sharing. This methodology is based on the Communication for Development approach and foresees different steps from pre-production, production and post-production to various video sharing activities.
The methodology is presented in a training guide for practitioners. The modular training series is structured along two main levels:
- An initial Training of Trainers (ToT) will be organized to engage a group of practitioners as video master trainers who will later lead regional training processes. The ToT will be delivered in partnership with Collaborative Change Communication (CCComDev).
- Three regional training events will be delivered in collaboration with three regional communication initiatives: ComDevAsia (Asia- Pacific), Yenkasa Africa (Africa) and Onda Rural (Latin America), involving extension workers, farmers’ organizations, farmer field schools and communication practitioners in each region.
Learning and sharing: Communities of practice
Each training will be associated with a dedicated Community of Practice (CoP), a space for participants to share their learnings and discuss the issues they face in the production and use of Participatory Video. Coaching activities will also be offered to support participants in using PV in their work and sharing their experiences with peers.
For further information please contact ComDev@fao.org.