Agencies and organizations contributing to the UN Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF) discussed the progress of the implementation of their respective national and regional action plans on family farming and its contributions to the new FAO Strategic Framework during the 2nd day of the 36th Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (APRC) on 09 March 2022.
Dr. Marcela Villarreal, Director of the Partnerships and UN Collaboration Division, FAO HQ, reported that “in the last 3 years, approximately 185 policies, laws, and regulations were approved worldwide, promoting family farming-centered approaches to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, to address challenges in agri-food systems and to support family farmers in achieving the huge potential that they have.”
In South Asia, the successful development process of the subregional action plan for family farming was presented by Dr. MD Baktear Hossain, Director of the SAARC Agriculture Center, who emphasized the strengthening of family farming for achieving the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Ms. Rose Ann Leonor from the Department of Agriculture of the Philippines said that the country’s national action for family farming is a multi-stakeholder engagement that highlights the participation of government agencies, inter-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, family farmers organizations, academics and researchers, and nongovernment organizations.
The event also reiterated the critical role of family farmers in both facilitating effective responses to the pandemic (safeguarding their members and delivering alternative services), and transforming food systems into healthier, more resilient, and more sustainable ones.
“Family farmers provide solutions to address issues on climate change, biodiversity loss, poverty, inequalities, hunger, and malnutrition. Make family farmers your direct and equal partners within the UNDFF framework. We will make a difference!”, a call to action from Ms. Esther Penunia, Secretary General of the Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development.
The 36th APRC was held on 08-11 March 2022.
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