
Mobile phones and the rural poor: gender perspectives from Asia

Mobile phones have contributed in various ways to rural development, from reducing information asymmetry, improving functional networks, to increasing access to services and finance. Yet a digital gender divide exists. The study examines gender perspectives on the use of mobile phones by the rural poor by identifying their information needs using gender-disaggregated statistics gathered from developing economies in South and South East Asia.  The study is divided into two sections. The first section

A gender focus to enable inclusive Rural Communication Services

Presented here are the results of a master’s dissertation for the University of Reading that explored the institutionalisation of gender within Rural Communication Services (RCS). Rural Communication Services (RCS) is a relatively recent concept that seeks to promote demand-driven, inclusive and collaborative communication systems through the strengthening of stakeholder relationships and institutionalisation (FAO, 2014). The aim of the study was to develop a definition and operational framework for institutionalising RCS for family farming, with special


Written by Sarah Cardey, School of Agriculture, Policy and Development – University of Reading As a result of the FCCM, a Global Research Initiative on Rural Communication (GRI-RC) has been created with members from various universities including the University of Reading. We are developing a study to have a strong first look at evidence and research in rural communication services, which we believe will provide the basis for more in-depth inquiry.  As

Closing the gender gap with ComDev: Dimitra

Rural women face challenges such as isolation, illiteracy and low social status. In occasion of the International Women’s Day, we are glad to highlight a successful FAO initiative focusing on gender equality and communication for rural development. Dimitra is a participatory communication project that aims to help close the gender gap in agriculture by boosting social dialogue and cohesion. Since 2006, it gives voice to rural women in various African countries and increases their

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In obsevance of the International Women’s Day (IWD), UNESCO joins forces with international and regional partners to launch the annual Women Make the News on March 8. UNESCO and its partners are inviting media organizations, professional associations, journalists’ unions, women and men working in the media and civil society to share their experiences and best practices in reporting or advocating for the end of violence against women. With the theme Towards a