Participatory Video can be used as an interactive tool to promote more inclusive and sustainable forms of development mirroring local realities and sharing people’s values, cultures, and perceptions. Participatory Video production and sharing are part of a Communication for development process, grounded on a rural appraisal aimed at identifying communication problems and needs of the intended audience. Within this framework, video can play a significant role in sharing relevant information and knowledge among peers and while reaching out to interest groups through digital environments, such as mobile phones, social media and ICTs.
Several rural institutions and farmers’ organizations require enhancing their capacity to use Participatory Video in a systematic way as part of inclusive rural communication services.
In collaboration with the Digital Green and the College of Development Communication of the University of Los Baños in the Philippines, FAO has developed a modular training and is currently organizing series of trainings on Participatory Video. The intention is to assist extension services, farmers’ organizations, development institutions and programmes in adopting Participatory Video in fields like family farming and sustainable agri-food systems.
Download the Participatory Video in Agrifood Systems and Digital Environments: A Practitioner’s Guide here!
We welcome your feedback and would love to know how you are using or planning to use the Guide. We are also available to offer mentoring and coaching services to prospective trainers for the design and implementation of a training course based on the Guide.
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