
ComDev Asia Holds Communication Training on DRM for Resilient Agriculture

The ComDev Asia Initiative organized the training-workshop on communication planning for community radio focusing on disaster risk management (DRM) towards resilient family farming and rural livelihoods.  It was held from November 1-3, 2017 in Kathmandu, Nepal, with 18 participants representing community radio, community media organizations and farmer groups. Participants came from five South Asian countries, namely: Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Myanmar and Nepal.   As participants themselves acknowledged, the event was

UNESCO-IPDC Prize for Rural Communication 2012

The IPDC Prize for Rural Communication is awarded every two years to meritorious and innovative initiatives aimed at improving communication for rural communities in developing countries. Co-winners of the 2012 edition are the Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists and the Kenyan Arid Lands Information Network who share the US$ 20,000 Prize. The award ceremony took place on 22 March at UNESCO Headquarters, during the 28th session of the IPDC Council. The