
FAO and UPLB pledge to work together in promoting inclusive rural development

A formal partnership agreement on promoting rural development in the Philippines was recently signed by FAO and the University of the Philippines Los Baños. The agreement focuses on developing tools. methodologies, and knowledge products to make agricultural systems more inclusive and efficient. The partnership aims to strengthen national policies, strategies, and regulatory frameworks on food loss and waste through the value chain; facilitate an enabling environment for inclusive rural development and

E-learning course on Communication for Rural Development

The e-learning Course on Communication for Rural Development aims to guide users in designing and implementing communication strategies for agricultural and rural development initiatives, combining participatory methods with communication processes, media and tools, ranging from community media to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), best suited for a specific context. The e-learning course is based on the Communication for Rural Development Sourcebook published in 2014 by FAO and the College of Development Communication, University of the Philippines Los

Call for participants: Mobile tech for agricultural and rural development in the global South

The University of Manchester will hold a free workshop on ‘Mobile Technology for Agricultural and Rural Development in the Global South’ on 20th October 2016 to share research and practice on current trends and to bring together researchers from diverse disciplines and practitioners with experience of implementing mobile applications and agriculture information systems in differing country contexts. The workshop aims to shape future research and form the basis for research