CCComDev Team at CDC, UPLB Holds Planning-Workshop

The team behind the Collaborative Change Communication and ComDev Asia websites from the College of Development Communication, University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) conducted a planning-workshop on 25 July 2019 at UPLB.  The activity aimed to orient the new members of the team on managing the portal and to plan out activities for the rest of the year in terms of content management of the sites. With these plans, the sites’ content

Asia-Pacific regional ComDev training for family farming

An Asia-Pacific Regional Training on Communication for Development planning and implementation to advance family farming and sustainable rural development was conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the University of the Philippines Los Banos-College of Development Communication (UPLB-CDC) in coordination with the Kasetsart University last 5-8 December 2016 at the KU Home, Bangkok, Thailand. The training aimed to enable project personnel, development workers, representatives of farmer organizations, and community