Call for abstracts and panel proposals: ADCEP 2018 Conference

The Association of Development Communication Educators and Practitioners (ADCEP) of the Philippines will be holding its 2018 Conference and 8th Scientific Meeting with a theme, “Devcom in borderless societies” on 29 November to 2 December 2018 at the University of the Philippines Los Baños.

Abstracts on tackling the following topics are welcomed:

  • Capacitating new media for development
  • DevCom in a neo liberal world
  • DevCom in emrging gender fluid society
  • DevCom in post development
  • DevCom, peace, politics, and governance
  • DevCom: construction and identity
  • Disaster risk management
  • Environment
  • Media technologies in development
  • Science communication
  • Theorizing DevCom

Deadline of abstracts and panel proposals are on 30 September.

For inquiries, send an email:

To know more about the conference, click here.

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