Call for papers: Indigenous language media, language politics and democracy in Africa

The proposed book seeks to place indigenous language media in Africa in a particular socio- historical context with a view to highlighting their role in enhancing the participation of Africans in the political process in their local environs.

Significantly, the book proposes to have chapters that demonstrate
(1) an understanding of the political contributions of the indigenous language media in colonial and post-colonial African contexts;
(2) the (un)shaping of local language media in different linguistic configurations and language policies;
(3) how local language media facilitate people’s participation in public domain;
(4) the innovative praxis of individuals, communities and organisations in promoting local languages through, not just the traditional mass media, but more particularly the new media platforms and social media and using the same for socio-political engineering;
(5) the historicisation of the local language media in African contexts; and
(6) the appropriation of indigenous languages for commercial purposes by the modern media and the impact of this on the democratising role of the indigenous languages.

Submissions are expected to come from theoretical positions such as, but not limited to, critical political economy, cultural studies, language ideologies and the public sphere. Papers in word format should be sent to and

Deadline of submission is on February 28, 2013.




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