The International conference on “Communication/Culture and the Sustainable Development Goals (CCSDG). Challenges for a new generation” will take place at Chiang Mai University, Thailand, from 17 to 21 December 2015. The call for papers is now open.
The conference theme focuses on the role and importance of Communication and Culture to face today’s and future challenges regarding climate change, terrorism, pandemics, and deep fractures in world trade and commerce. In particular the ASEAN region is faced with specific problems, such as land grabbing, dam construction, transboundary management, cross-border migration.
The papers must outline and assess these future challenges for theory ad praxis from a number of inter-related and interdisciplinary perspectives. How can communication and culture be understood, defined and practiced in order for different actors to find sustainable solutions?
The conference will be hosted by the Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development (RCSD) at Chiang Mai University, in partnership with the Asian Congress of Mass Communication (ACMC), BGreen Project, Connect4Climate/World Bank, RMIT Melbourne, Southeast Asia Research Centre (SEARC) at City University of Hong Kong and Wageningen University.
Requirements for submissions:
- Abstracts of about 800 words, in English, must be submitted by email to by 15 July 2015. (including title, keywords and a short biography of the author)
- Panel or Roundtable Discussion Proposals are welcome for submission as well
- Abstracts will be assessed by the scientific committee. Applicants will receive a reply before 15 August 2015.
- Submission deadline for Full Papers (8000 words max., in Word or rtf. format) is 1 October 2015.
For more information and regular updates, visit the Communication for Sustainable Social Change Website.