Responding to the challenges of climate change in Bangladesh, a project called IRR-CCRIP (Implementation of Rural Radio Initiatives under the Coastal Climate Resilient Infrastructure Project) is now being implemented.
The project was formulated with the assistance of FAO ComDev team to address the need for a communication plan in support of resilient livelihoods, using rural radio as the core medium.
Activities include support measures for enhanced capacity and knowledge management for climate adaptation and disaster preparedness. The use of community rural radio is foreseen to enhance access to relevant information for farmers and small producers (e.g. market days, commodity prices, weather forecast, extension of crop, fish and livestock production as well as cultural and social issues).
The Agriculture Information Services (AIS) of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) in Bangladesh has tapped the College of Development Communication, UP Los Banos (CDC-UPLB) to provide a series of trainings on ComDev planning to the Rural Radio Initiatives of CCRIP.
Read more about earlier rural radio initiatives promoted by FAO and AIS in Bangladesh: Community radio and rural communication services in Bangladesh
IRR-CCRIP is jointly funded by the Government of Bangladesh, IFAD, ADB and KfW. The project aims to address acute poverty and climatic vulnerability in coastal districts. To improve livelihoods of poor households, the project will build climate resilient road infrastructure and climate shelters, and increase access to market for smallholder producers (more info here).