The Operation Timbang Plus (OTP), an annual weight-and-height-taking activity conducted by the National Nutrition Council (NNC) through its network of Barangay Nutrition Scholars (BNS) is an example of an existing information system that provides data on the status of food utilization in a community in the Philippines.
Specifically, the program provides data on the status of food utilization in a community as well as the prevalence of malnutrition among vulnerable young chidren in the country. Access to these information ensures the communities have the capacity for evidence-based and timely decision-making even before a crisi arises.
One of FAO’s key priorities is to strenghten and support information and early warning systems for food and nutrition security. Funded by the United Nations Internation Children’s emergency Fund (UNICEF), FAO in cooperation with the NNC and the BNS improved reliability of the existing electronic BNS tool to help communities improve food and nutrition security monitoring.
To know more about the program, click here.
Photo Credit: Fao Website