Liza Cabrera

Kenya Community Media Network (KCOMNET)/ Africa Centre For Development Communication

Kenya Community Media Network (KCOMNET) is a non-profit organization and the national networking association for community media sector in Kenya. Community media engaged by KCOMNET include: Community radios, community newsletters, community resources centres, community cinema and community noticeboards. KCOMNET enriches community media through networking,capacity building, content development and policyadvocacy for transformative social change in Kenya Email: info@kcomnet.orgWebsite: Shalom House, off Ngong Rd, St. Daniel Comboni Rd, Wing C

PANOS Institute of Southern Africa

Panos Institute Southern Africa (PSAf) is a regional non-profit, non-governmental communication for development organization. They use innovative methodologies to engage the media and other key stakeholders to ensure that the development agenda is shaped and driven by the most affected members of Southern Africa’s communities.PSAf works in 12 Southern African nations, namely, Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. PSAf is part of

Pan-African Institute for Studies and Research on media, information, and communication (IPERMIC)

Based at the University of Ouagadougou, the Pan-African Institute for Studies and Research on Media, Information, and Communication (IPERMIC) work in close collaboration with the African Center of Expertise and Research on Media and Communication (CERAM). It also benefits from the continued support and collaboration of the French Press Institute (IFP) and the Institute of Research and Studies on Communication (IREC), both based at the University of Paris II, Pantheon

Manyozo talks about Pedagogy of Listening

Dr. Linje Manyozo, senior lecturer from RMIT, University of Australia and author of Media, Communication and Development (2012) talked about the “Pedagogy of Listening” during the 6th Association of Development Communication Educators and Practitioners (ADCEP) National Conference, on December 2-4, 2016 at La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines.  “We need to make sure that we put the interest of the people we’re working with.” Manyozo emphasized the importance of listening in doing fieldwork. More than listening,

Workshop on enhancing community radio to improve food security and resilient family farming in the Asia-Pacific region

The World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) will conduct a three-day workshop on interactive community radio to enhance food security and family farming in Asia-Pacific. It will take place in Bangkok, Thailand, on September 19-21, 2016. FAO reported in 2015 that 490 million people are still suffering chronic hunger in Asia and the Pacific region, which is also home to

Online mapping: ICTs and RCS for small-scale family farmers in the NENA region

On July 22nd, KariaNet network in collaboration with FAO Regional Initiative on Small-Scale Family Farming and the Communication for Development team launched an online survey and discussion on ICT applications and rural communication for family farming, involving specialists and practitioners from the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region. The online discussion is hosted on KariaNet’s Google Group, with two sets of questions being posed to participants. 1. The first group of questions is focused on

5th International Conference on Mobile for Development

The 5th International Conference on Mobile Communication Technology for Development (M4D2016) will be held in Maputo, Mozambique on October 21-22, 2016. This conference is open to researchers, practitioners and all those with interests in the use, evaluation, and theorizing of Mobile Technologies for Development.  The M4D2016 conference combines two days of plenary parallel paper sessions, panel sessions, short presentations, posters and workshops. In addition, it will include pre-conference workshops for

Communication for Development: Degree Project starts August 2016

Malmo University’s 60-credit Communication for Development courses will start August 29, 2016. Communication for Development is an interdisciplinary field of study and practice, combining studies on culture, communication and development and integrating them with practical fieldwork. It explores the use of communication – both as a tool and as a way of articulating processes of social change – within the contexts of globalisation. Malmö University is a state institution accredited

Women, ICTs, and climate information

“Women participate in agricultural activities to varying degrees around the world. Among the farmers most vulnerable to the effects of climate change are women, who make up an estimated 43% of the agricultural labor force in developing countries…It is crucial that researchers and development practitioners understand, how women access information, what type of information they want, and need, but also how to effectively engage them in the processes that diffuse

FemLINKPACIFIC: media initiatives for women

FemLINKPACIFIC  is a feminist media organization that provides women with information and in advocating and raising awareness on women, peace and human security issues.  Its overarching development objective  is to address the imbalances caused by the traditional decision-making structures which impede women and young women’s effective participation, especially from the rural population and the poor, to communicate openly on common matters. Established in 2000, FemLINKPACIFIC has produced documentation and publications from