On July 22nd, KariaNet network in collaboration with FAO Regional Initiative on Small-Scale Family Farming and the Communication for Development team launched an online survey and discussion on ICT applications and rural communication for family farming, involving specialists and practitioners from the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region.
The online discussion is hosted on KariaNet’s Google Group, with two sets of questions being posed to participants.
1. The first group of questions is focused on identifying main trends in the use of ICTs and rural communication services (RCS) in the region: participants are asked to share experiences on the use of ICTs, community media, and other RCS in support of agriculture and rural development. As defined by FAO in 2012, RCS refer to a wide range of processes, activities, media and institutional arrangements that respond in a sustained and inclusive manner to the communication needs of rural population.
2. The second set of questions, which will be posted on August 2nd, aims at identifying a way forward to improve the use of ICTs and RCS in the NENA region – with the ultimate aim of supporting smallholder family farming.
Should you be interested in participating, please contact Simone Sala (FAO) and/or Salwa Tawk (KariaNet).
As an alternative, participants can contribute by responding to the online survey until September 22. The survey is available in English language and Arabic language.
This activity seeks to review the current situation in the application of ICTs and rural communication services (RCS) to family farming and rural development in the NENA region. Participants are encouraged to share their experiences on how ICTs and RCS can address challenges faced by small-scale farmers, particularly women and rural youth.
Knowledge Access for Rural Inter-connected Areas Network (KariaNet) is a regional network for the management and sharing of knowledge, information and experience in agriculture and rural development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.