
Rural communication takes centre stage in the development agenda of Latin America

A Regional Forum on Territorial Development, Innovation and Rural Communication took place in Brazil from 12-13 November. More than 100 participants from 15 Latin American countries came together to share experiences of rural communication and innovation and discuss the need for institutional frameworks.  The Forum was organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Brazilian Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA) and the Brazilian Agricultural Research Cooperation (EMBRAPA). The event took place

PLATICAR: creating an agricultural knowledge system

PLATICAR is a knowledge ecosystem developed in Costa Rica with an ICT for agriculture approach, based on communication for development and knowledge management processes. It promotes the creation of communities of practice where rural leaders train themselves as knowledge managers and then train others, in a self-managed dissemination process. PLATICAR COMPONENTS The knowledge ecosystem is comprised of: 1. Knowledge Management Centres (Centros de Gestión de Conocimiento – GECO): decentralized hubs in which knowledge and

Listening to the stories of African forest producers

Federations of tree growers and forest producers are on the rise in Africa. They help smallholders in dealing with tenure arrangements, accessing markets and financial services, getting quality extension and capacity development support. To be effective, they need to be able to access and share relevant information, but also to articulate members’ views and dialogue with governments to influence policy formulation. Last June in Kenya, the African Farm/Family Forestry Producer Organizations Conference gathered farm and forest producers of

Mapping community media in rural development

In August 2015 a survey was launched as a global exercise to take stock of the work of AMARC’s affiliates, community media networks and communication practitioners engaged in communication for rural development. It helped to identify potential areas for improving the engagement of community media in sustainable rural development as well as feed discussions at the AMARC 11th Global Assembly in Accra, Ghana. The survey received 54% of responses from Anglophone speakers,

A gender focus to enable inclusive Rural Communication Services

Presented here are the results of a master’s dissertation for the University of Reading that explored the institutionalisation of gender within Rural Communication Services (RCS). Rural Communication Services (RCS) is a relatively recent concept that seeks to promote demand-driven, inclusive and collaborative communication systems through the strengthening of stakeholder relationships and institutionalisation (FAO, 2014). The aim of the study was to develop a definition and operational framework for institutionalising RCS for family farming, with special

Generating sustainable rural development through communication and community media

The Forum on Communication for Development & Community Media for Sustainable Rural Development was held in Accra, Ghana on 13th August 2015 as part of the 11th International Conference of the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC). The Forum was attended by representatives of community radio broadcasters, farmer organizations and development institutions from nearly 50 different countries.  The objectives of the Forum were to:• Share experiences about the role and contribution of ComDev and community

AMARC/FAO survey: take the chance to highlight your work!

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) are launching a survey to map the work of its affiliates, community media networks and communication practitioners engaged in communication for rural development.  Since 2008, FAO and AMARC have agreed to join efforts to promote communication for rural development (ComDev) and community media as an integral part of agricultural and rural development. Several field projects, regional initiatives, and community media

Discussing communication and family farming at WRF conference

Gains in political commitment around Family Farming were one of the most notable results of the International Year of Family Farming IYFF-2014. Not just because of reaping results in the form of numerous laws, programs and other specific public policy improvements, but also because of the spirit of collaboration and understanding generated among different entities, institutions and organizations. To continue promoting this global context of dialogue and collaboration, Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain) will


Written by Francesco Diasio, AMARC and Mario Acunzo, FAO From August 10th to 14th 2015, the 11th World Conference of AMARC will take place in Accra. Hosted by the Ghana Community Radio Network (GCRN), the conference will address the theme “Community Radio: reframing and reconciling a world of dualities” and will be an opportunity to celebrate community radio, while strengthening its capacity to thrive in Africa. The Forum on Communication and Community Media for Sustainable


Written by Mohummad Kamrul Hassan and Cleofe Torres, College of Development Communication UPLB In Bangladesh, despite inadequacies in resources, the rural communication services (RCS)1 provided by the government agricultural extension office remain the most accessed and trusted sources of information on saline tolerant rice variety (STRV) among farmers in Amtali, Barguna district, Barisal. Public extension occupies a central position in the communication network of farmers.