2018 SBCC Summit held

2018 SBCC Summit held

About 1,150 participants from 429 organizations gathered to attend the 2018 Social and Behavioral Change Communication (SBCC) Summit on 16-20 April 2018 in Nusa Dua, Indonesia. This year’s Summit theme was “Shifting Norms, Changing Behavior, Amplifying Voices: What Works?” that featured entertainment-education. 

The Summit kicked off with an Opening Remark by United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed and Keynote Addresses of Dr. Mohamad Subuh, health economics advisor at Indonesia’s Ministry of Health, and Nahla Valji, senior gender adviser for the executive office of the UN Secretary-General. Other keynote speakers in the event were: Anibal Gaviria (mayor of Mendellin, Colombia from 2012 to 2015), Chaning Jang (Chief Strategy Officer and a member of the Board of Directors at Busara Behavioral Economics), Dr. David Chiriboga (associate professor of Medicine at the University of Massachusetts), Dr. Nila Djuwita Farid Moeloek (professor of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia and Indonesia’s Minister of Health), Kriti Sharma (Vice President, Bots and AI, and Sage Group adviser), Lillian Dube (South African actress and humanitarian), Miguel Sabido (founder of the Sabido Methodology), Prameswaran Iyer (secretary of the India’s Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation), and Senator Ayesha Raza Farooq (a member of Pakistan’s Senate and the country’s point person in polio eradication programs).

Poster and oral presentations as well as panel discussions and daily plenary sessions were held. There were also Comm Talks (TED-style talks where speakers inform and entertain), multimedia showcases on entertainment-education, and several skills building workshops for participants. Some of the topics covered in the panel discussions were the following:

  • Evidence-based Advocacy from Theory to National Scale Up and Sustainability;
  • Influencing Social Norms Using Social and Behaviour Change Communication – Making Sense of the Field;
  • SBCC and Enterntainment-Education’s Role in Protecting the Planet;
  • Community Media Mashup: The Promise of Storytelling through Participatory Media Approaches;
  • Advancing Social and Behavior Change in Agriculture;
  • Integrated SBC Platforms: Practical Experiences from the Field – The Dos and Don’ts;
  • Should We Be Asking “What Worked?” Adaptation, Scale-up and Complexity-Aware Evaluation;
  • Ethical Spaces and Norm Change Interventions: Who Decides What to Promote?;
  • Gender-Related Harmful Practices and Social Norms;
  • An Evidence Roadmap for Social, Behavioral, and Community Engagement;
  • Moving Beyond Trainings: A Fresh Look at SBCC Capacity Strengthening;
  • Young People at the Centre of Development: Are We Ready for the Participation Revolution?; and
  • Transforming a “Culture of Success” into a “Culture of Learning”.

The 2018 SBCC Summit was hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication ProgramsThe Communication InitiativeSoul City InstituteUNICEF, and BBC Media Action.

Click here for more information on the Summit and to download its materials.

Photo credit: Tobias Deml

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