Mera Karachi Mobile Cinema: promoting citizen engagement in Pakistan


Video is a powerful Communication for Development tool to inform, educate and entertain, as it attracts people’s curiosity, overcomes illiteracy barriers and fits with the narrative culture prevailing in most developing contexts. Thanks to technical innovation it is now becoming more accessible and increasing numbers of people are producing their own materials (find out more about Video in Development).

Mera Karachi Mobile Cinema is a project launched by Tentative Collective in Karachi, Pakistan. The organization collects short films produced by local residents belonging to marginalized, migrant and other residential colonies that answer the question: “what do you do on your day off?”. The public is involved by word of mouth, social media and people networking.

Using a rickshaw powered projector the screenings take place in everyday urban spaces, where the videos are made. They are projected onto walls, dematerializing the barriers that separate upper and lower class neighbourhoods. The aim is to forge connections between people, create intra-ethnic dialogue and new zones for conviviality.

People who participate are encouraged to equally share and produce ideas and to learn from each other, avoiding a top-down approach. Technology is shared as much as possible, promoting the use of easily accessible and common mediums, such as cell phone cameras.

Watch a short video describing The Tentative Collective’s concept for the Mera Karachi Mobile Cinema

Mera Karachi Mobile Cinema from Yaminay Nasir Chaudhri on Vimeo.


For more information, visit or contact Yaminay Nasir Chaudhri at



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