FAO Expert Consultation on Rural ComDev – REPORT OUT!


faoexpertconsThe Expert Consultation on “Communication for Development: meeting today’s agricultural and rural development challenges” took place in Rome, from 14 to 16 September 2011. It was organized by FAO Office of Knowledge Exchange Research and Extension (OEK) in collaboration with the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and the International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD).

32 international specialists, including scholars, representatives from rural development agencies, NGOs, national institutions and donors met to identify challenges and strategic actions for maximizing ComDev contribution to the agriculture and rural development sector.

The comprehensive final report of the FAO Expert Consultation outlines the process leading to the event, presents the methodology used to inspire dialogue and provides highlights from the three days of discussion. The experts concurred that FAO should take a leading role for mainstreaming ComDev in the rural development agenda and devised four main recommendations:

  1. International rural development organizations and national institutions should include communication for development in their vision, policy, and strategic framework
  2. Make ComDev relevant and compelling to key audiences (FAO, academia, other institutions)
  3. Establish a multi-institutional alliance to promote ComDev principles and practices within agricultural innovation systems and translate these into actions at the country level
  4. Facilitate national ComDev networks that involve practitioners, academicians and stakeholders, connecting theory, research and practice, and systematically improve standards of programs

The report detailing the experience and conclusions of the consultation is now available for download here.

For more information about the Expert Consultation visit the dedicated webpage on FAO ComDev website.

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