Rhodora Ramonette de Villa-Custodio

Call for Proposals/Abstracts to the 2020 SBCC Summit

The organizers of the 2020 International Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Summit have announced its call for proposals/abstracts for next year’s Summit. The 2020 SBCC Summit will be held at Marrakech, Morocco on 30 March – 3 April 2020. With the vision “Strength in Diversity”, the Summit will focus on three main themes: Catalyzing transformational change on agendas of urgency, such as climate crisis and global heating, gender equity,

Engaging the Youth in Agriculture Through Digital Innovations

Many studies have noted the decreasing interest of the youth in agriculture. However, digital technologies can facilitate youth engagement in the sector to address unemployment and food insecurity. FAO (2018) identified drones and various applications as innovations that can revolutionize agriculture. Drones are able to collect real-time and in-depth data on food and agricultural challenges. On the other hand, applications have facilitated the reporting and management of pests on farms

New Publication: FAO's Work on Family Farming

“Family farmers are key actors towards achieving food security, poverty reduction and environmental preservation if supported by an enabling policy environment” (FAO, 2018). The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has published a report on its work on family farming (FF) since the launch of the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF) in 2014.  The publication presents key facts and figures on family farming; the contributions of family farming towards the attainment of

CCComDev Team at CDC, UPLB Holds Planning-Workshop

The team behind the Collaborative Change Communication and ComDev Asia websites from the College of Development Communication, University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) conducted a planning-workshop on 25 July 2019 at UPLB.  The activity aimed to orient the new members of the team on managing the portal and to plan out activities for the rest of the year in terms of content management of the sites. With these plans, the sites’ content