Communication and Social Change Awards 2013: call for nominations

The Centre for Communication and Social Change (CfCSC) is seeking outstanding individuals and organisations who have used communication to facilitate social, economic and technological development, to nominate for the 2013 Communications and Social Change Awards. The award is administered by the Centre for Communication and Social Change (CfCSC) at the School of Journalism and Communication, within The University of Queensland, Brisbane. It consists of a $AUD 2500 prize and a

Philippine ComDev Educators and Practitioners Conference

Development communication as a field of study and practice in the Philippines has already gained local and international recognition. Pioneered in the 1970s by Dr. Nora C. Quebral it has contributed in catalyzing, facilitating, and sustaining social changes and development goals in the country.  The 2nd National Conference of the Consortium of Development Communication Educators and Practitioners of the Philippines (CDCEPP) will gather a pool of educators and practitioners at


The International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer) will be held on December 1-14, 2012 Colombo, Sri Lanka. ICTer is the successor to the seminal International Information Technology Conference (IITC) held in Sri Lanka since 1998. It provides a platform where research done in ICT is presented by both local and foreign Computer Scientists and IT Professionals. In order to get wider international participation and to promote

Agricultural Communication and Sustainable Rural Development: International Symposium

The International Symposium Agricultural Communication and Sustainable Rural Development will be held on November 22-24, 2012 in Pantnagar, India. With the theme, “From Information to Knowledge to Wisdom – Envisioning a Food Sovereign World in the Third Millennium”, the symposium is organised by the Directorate of Communication of GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology in India. The symposium will focus on the following themes: 1. Agricultural Communication vis-à-vis Indian agriculture:


The 2012 Africa-EU Cooperation Forum on ICT  will be held on November 28-29, 2012, at the Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB) in Lisbon, Portugal.This event is designed for anyone with an interest in Euro-African collaborative project on ICT. The event is organised by the EuroAfrica-P8 EU/FP7 funded project in the framework of the EuroAfrica-ICT Initiative and with the support of the National Science Foundation (FCT) of Portugal. This major event is the

Call for papers: Indigenous language media, language politics and democracy in Africa

The proposed book seeks to place indigenous language media in Africa in a particular socio- historical context with a view to highlighting their role in enhancing the participation of Africans in the political process in their local environs. Significantly, the book proposes to have chapters that demonstrate(1) an understanding of the political contributions of the indigenous language media in colonial and post-colonial African contexts; (2) the (un)shaping of local language


Shamba means small farm in Swahili. Shamba Shape Up is Kenya’s first make-over style TV programme focusing on agriculture, produced by the Mediae Company based in Nairobi.  Targeting East Africa’s rapidly growing rural and peri-urban TV audience, the show outlines a series of agricultural challenges tackling issues of livestock, poultry, crops and soil fertility, pest management, irrigation and solar power, aiming to give farmers the tools to improve their productivity


October 16 is World Food Day, and the worldwide community radio network of AMARC has launched a broadcast campaign to cover the event. In partnership with FAO, AMARC has called all members of its network to produce and broadcast programs on their communities on October 16, 2012 and share them with the entire AMARC network via the web. The radios were invited to produce a program under this year’s World

Latin American conference on communication studies

Santiago, Chile, will host the UC-ICA Latin American conference to discuss Trends in International and Latin American Communication Studies. The conference, organized by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile’s School of Communications, in collaboration with the International Communication Association (ICA) will be held from 18 to 20 October 2012 at the School of Communications in Santiago, in the campus Casa Central, Alameda 340 (see . This will be the