From 12-13 November 2015, Brasilia will host the Latin America Regional Forum on Territorial Development, Innovation and Rural Communication.
The Forum will provide an opportunity to share experiences and lessons learned, and will address the need to create institutional frameworks and services that can strengthen policies and programmes for family farming and rural development in the region.
The Forum is organized in the framework of the Regional Initiative on Family Farming and Rural Territorial Development launched by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to reduce rural poverty and improve food security and nutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean, encouraging the creation of synergies between agriculture and other social and rural development sectors. It takes place with the collaboration of the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA) of Brazil and the Brazilian Agricultural Research Cooperation (EMBRAPA).
This regional event is also part of the follow-up to the international Forum on Communication for Development & Community Media for Family Farming (FCCM) held in Rome in October 2014, which highlighted the role of communication for development (ComDev) in enabling family farmers’ participation in rural development.
1. Share relevant perspectives and experiences of territorial development and rural innovation for food security and poverty reduction in Latin America
2. Identify priorities, institutional options and strategic alliances for the provision of efficient and socially inclusive rural advisory services
3. Value knowledge exchanges and communication for development as key for participation in decision-making and research and extension processes
4. Develop proposals and recommendations to strengthen national policies and programmes for territorial development, innovation and family farming, and promote cooperation between countries in the region
Expected outcomes of the Forum include policy recommendations and the development of a roadmap for technical cooperation between FAO and countries within the region.
The Forum will include roundtable discussions between representatives of governments, public institutions, agricultural research and extension organizations, development agencies, universities and civil society from Brazil and other Latin-American countries. Also present will be representatives from FAO, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the Specialized Meeting on Family Farming of Mercosur (REAF).
Day 1 will focus on territorial development and innovation. Panel discussions will consider institutional innovation and participatory systems of governance and political dialogue. Social innovation will also be discussed from the standpoint of rights and social and economic inclusion of family farmers.
Day 2 will focus on rural communicationanddialogo de saberes (a dialogue to share different types/sources of knowledge). This will include a panel on participatory extension and technological innovation and its impact on the quality of life of family farmers. ICTs will also be discussed, highlighting trends, experiences and lessons learned. Finally, initiatives and options for inclusive rural communication services and access will be examined.
Working groups during each day of the Forum will discuss the issues raised and propose recommendations and guidelines for the strengthening of national policies and programmes on rural development and family farming.
Read more about the event in FAO page here (in Spanish)